
The SIA Announces Release of New Staffing Indicator

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Posted by: David Garcia April 22, 2021

At ScoutLogic, we think it’s important to stay on top of trends so you can be prepared for industry changes, challenges, and opportunities. With that in mind, we wanted to share a recent article put out by Staffing Industry Analysts (SIA)  announcing the release of the “Bullhorn Staffing Indicator”. This unique tool gauges current weekly trends in the volume of temporary staffing delivered by US staffing firms.

Wow, that sounds pretty neat!

How is this useful to staffing firms?

This tool will allow firms to benchmark their performance and forecast industry trends and outlook.  The Indicator comprises metrics representing total US Staffing (total market), Professional Staffing (IT, healthcare, finance, engineering, etc.), and Commercial Staffing (light industrial and office/clerical).

Additional information on the data and detailed methodology can be found on Bullhorn and SIA’s websites.

Year-over-year change in the US staffing, professional staffing, and commercial staffing weekly hours worked.


“Reflecting the number of hours worked per week by US temporary workers, the Indicator is a joint custom research initiative produced weekly by SIA and Bullhorn. Bullhorn provides anonymized, aggregated data based on hours worked at a variety of staffing firms, and SIA has developed a comprehensive methodology for publishing the Indicator. “

We wanted to share this news with our clients, staffing & recruiting partners, and anyone it can be helpful for.

For more detailed information, check out the full press release at SIA’s website.

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