
Building a Background Check Partnership Program - Interview With Raj Chopra

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Posted by: David Garcia July 19, 2020

Raj Chopra, an expert in designing background check partner programs, recently joined ScoutLogic’s advisory board.  Raj recently recorded an interview that provides his advice on how companies that serve an HR, Recruiting, or Talent Acquisition customer community can build a great partnership program.

Almost every company in the United States buys background checks. Unfortunately, most background check vendors do a poor job with customer service because they are typically under a great deal of financial pressure based on the acquisition activity by private-equity entities. Picking the right background check partner for your program is critical.  As you know, whoever you introduce to your customer community reflects on your business and your brand.  You need to make sure first and foremost that the background check provider you select will do a great job delighting your clients’ candidates and recruiters. The good news is that there are background check companies that provide great service, have flexible partner programs, and can help you grow your revenues.  Beyond driving revenue, partnerships with background check companies can provide value to your end clients by providing complementary services without having to manage additional vendors.

In this video interview, Raj answers questions such as: 

  • Why do background check partnership programs make sense for companies that sell into HR?
  • What are the different types of background check partner programs?
  • What are the criteria a company should use to pick a background check partner?
  • What are the critical steps to implement a background check partnership program?
  • What are the lessons learned from building a partnership program?

In the video, Raj provides valuable insights to each one of these questions.  If you would like to learn more about background check partnership programs, please download ScoutLogic’s free eBook!




ScoutLogic is not a law firm.  You should always check with qualified counsel before you make any changes to your background check program.  If you need a qualified attorney, we would be happy to make a referral for you.


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Looking for a better background check company? Start by preparing with this free guide.

Download this free guide to go into the searching process prepared. This guide includes actionable steps to:

  • Gather your requirements
  • Determine vendors
  • Check references
  • Determine success metrics
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