News & PR Blogs

October 02, 2020
Returning to Work Series: Interview with Jim Kelly, SafetyOne
As the Covid-19 pandemic continues, many companies continue to struggle to bring workers back safely to their office environments. To help employers understand best practices, we recently...
September 16, 2020
Work from Home Series: Interview with Laura Rottingen, YipitData
Work from home environments will be with us for at least the next several months, and the impact may be much longer. With more companies realizing the broader benefits of a work from home strategy,...
September 10, 2020
Work from Home Series: Interview with Brynn Michelich, JellyVision
Work from home environments will be with us for at least the next several months, and the impact may be much longer. With more companies realizing the broader benefits of a work from home strategy,...
August 28, 2020
Case Study Series: Interview with Nikki Adkins, Custom Staffing
The next interview in our background check services case study series is with Nikki Adkins, Director of Operations, a Custom Staffing. Finding a great background check company plays an essential...
August 21, 2020
Case Study Series: Interview with Andy Arquette, Fairlife
The next interview in our background check services case study is with Andy Arquette, CFO, for fairlife. Finding a great background check company plays an essential role in a company’s hiring...
August 15, 2020
Case Study Series: Interview with Rebecca Graham, Novatech
The next interview in our background check services case study is with Rebecca Graham, HR Manager, for Novatech. Finding a great background check company plays an essential role in a company’s...
August 11, 2020
Case Study Series: Interview with Rebecca Cooper, Arhaus
The next interview in our background check services case study is with Rebecca Cooper, HR Manager, from Arhaus. Finding a great background check company plays an essential role in a company’s...
July 19, 2020
Building a Background Check Partnership Program - Interview With Raj Chopra
Raj Chopra, an expert in designing background check partner programs, recently joined ScoutLogic's advisory board.  Raj recently recorded an interview that provides his advice on how companies...
July 14, 2020
Raj Chopra Joins ScoutLogic Advisory Board
Business Development Expert To Accelerate ScoutLogic’s Partner Network. Lincolnshire, Illinois: ScoutLogic today announced that Raj Chopra will be joining ScoutLogic’s Advisory Board,...